Module Sales

Zenith inventory module


An important aspect of the activity of many companies represents the specific activity of maintaining coherent and complete information regarding the types of products for sale, detecting in any moment the sales level, easily detecting the most reliable clients of the company, the chronological evolution of the products selling activity, the profitability of the sales - these are only a few of the key-questions to which an IT system must answer as precisely as possible.

Another important aspect that has to be dealt with accurately, is represented by the business rules that define a company's activity. If regarding information, one can say that they are the same regardless the company, in case of business rules, an IT system is compelled to respond to the specific needs of the company. This need is better observed in the process of selling, where the sales politics and the flow of documents have an essential part, their exact implementation having a major impact in the fluidization and automation of the selling activity as well as in the elimination of the human mistakes.

Starting with the aspects enumerated above, the sales module offers a set of concepts, used in order to model the business rules as well as to offer the necessary information for the developing of the selling activity and the business rules associated with them. The concepts as well as the business rules can be easily altered and expanded, due to the flexible architecture of the system, providing thus the possibility to answer to the specific needs of the company.

The Sales Module offers the decision base for the commercialization activity, this could be modified and extended to adapt to the politics proposed within the company.

The Clients' Management represents the element that contains the afferent information of a client, necessary to observe and lead him. It also contains additional information to implement business rules according with the "selling politics"(for ex: the client's credit limit, the list of prices/discounts - specific to each client).

The Contracts Management is the element that represents a key-point within the selling activity, also containing the additional documents chronology as well as the delivery one towards a client in a definite period. The components administrated by this element (the contract, the additional document) represent the beginning for the providing of a/several products towards a client.

To deliver is an abstract notion, its main role being that of portraying what is happening during the product delivery to the client. The beginning is represented by the command to deliver products (for example: by a delivery disposition), followed by taking the products from the administration and ended with the products' invoices. Using this concept, one ensures the following of the work procedures (implementing the documents' flow), the selling politics (the system allows or not the products delivery, applying the business rules that define the client's solvability), minimizing the human mistakes.

Delivery Command means to send the products to a client (the system controls what and how many products will be delivered, according to the contract and the available stock, limiting the user's possibility to make a mistake). It also represents the beginning for the products' invoicing, this being realized according to the company's politics (a single invoice for all the afferent deliveries or an invoice for each delivery).

The invoice defines the closing of the delivery process of the products towards a client, and the propelling point of the effects of this process within the system. Thus, appearing the invoice, a debt of the client towards the company is created - a debt that is found in the financial department, it is registered in the accountancy the selling of the products by the afferent accountant records, the statistics are updated - the marketing department always having a real time situation, the contract is modified in order to obtain its real time observation.

Among the system's advantages at the level of Selling Module, one can count the automation of the selling activity by implementing the documents and the selling politics flows as well as the diminishing human errors, the system taking decisions in accordance with the specified business rules. It is to notice, that within the contracts/additional acts management, as well as during the delivery process, the user is guided towards the system when developing the activity, diminishing the possibility of error. Another advantage is the real time propelling of the effects in the system (accountancy, financial, stocks administration, marketing, management).

